World YMCA Opportunities : Conference: “Sustainable Societies; Responsive Citizens”

Date: 19 May 2011

“Sustainable Societies; Responsive Citizens”

The Department for Public Information- United Nations DPI/NGO – is organizing its annual conference entitled “Sustainable Societies; Responsive Citizens”. In Bonn, Germany, from 3 to 6 of September 2011.

All information about the conference can be found at:

As associated member of DPI/NGO and in consultative status with UN ECOSOC, the World YMCA Movement has the possibility to register participants.
Five from the eight spaces available are reserved for YMCA delegates from countries outside Germany.

If you and your YMCA would like to take part in it; please, indicate your interest.

The registration for the conference is free.

No subsidies are available for travel, accommodation and meals.

In order to organize an internal selection process, the deadline to indicate your interest, with endorsement of your national YMCA movement and/or Area Organization, is July 05th 2011.

Important: All participants indicated by YMCA will have to be approved by DPI/NGO. The World Alliance of YMCAs has no influence in this procedure.
For more information, contact Romulo Dantas: