Change Agents 2015-2016

Date: 17 December 2014

After a period of evaluation and planning, the World YMCA is launching the new cohort and your participation is extremely important to keep the momentum of the World Council and its approval of OUR WAY strategy, which includes ambitious goals of preparing a minimum of 750 Change Agents by 2018.

Find below the following relevant documents:

1. Framework for Change Agents 2015-2016 English version

Para la version en español, clique aquí!

2. The relation between Change Agents and OUR WAY Strategy
Click here

3. Why a cruise for Change Agents English version

Para la version en español, clique aquí!

4. Registration Form (Inglés/Español)

5.  Agreement Letter English version

Para la version en español, clique aquí!

In addition to it, please find below links to the draft narrative report of the first cohort of the programme and the evaluation done by an external partner. We took all it into account in addition to the feedback of national YMCAs.

Draft Narrative

Partner Report

If you have questions, please contact Romulo Dantas at: