In Memoriam, Mireille Gilles

Date: 14 January 2021

World YMCA learned with great sadness of the passing of Mireille Gilles this week. She was a longstanding and much loved servant of YMCA Uruguay and the worldwide movement, and herself committed to serving young and vulnerable people.
Multilingual and multitalented, and a renowned historian of our global Movement, she also worked alongside us at the World YMCA from 1982 to 1985.

World YMCA Secretary General Carlos Sanvee said: ‘I myself have the very best memories of Mireille from her time working for the Secours Spéciaux Committee, helping YMCA alumni in distress. Her commitment to fairness and justice and leaving no one behind was outstanding.’

Her legacy lives on, not least in the many YMCA people she has mentored.
Carlos Sanvee wrote to  Jesus Ithurralde, General Secretary at YMCA Uruguay, and said: ‘We stand with you in your loss, and thank God for the memory of Mireille.

We send our deepest condolences to her family and friends, so many of whom are associated with the YMCA Movement which she served so loyally and well.’