World Week of Prayer 2020

Date: 10 October 2020

This year, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our world immeasurably. It has exposed unjust structural systems and demonstrated how a global emergency affects lives disproportionally, especially the lives which are more vulnerable to inequalities. We are therefore called upon to reflect on all the good things in our lives, and challenged to take action to rebuild a world that promotes justice, love and peace in our communities and beyond.

The pandemic has also come with new opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. It has shed light and helped us see what is truly essential in our lives, how can we rediscover ourselves and how can we best invest our time spreading kindness and supporting those in need, including investing in our own mental and physical health.

This year, the World YMCA and World YWCA Week of Prayer and World Fellowship  is an invitation to journey together under the theme:

Rays of hope: creating resilient communities through practical spirituality.


Download the booklet and take part in a global community of prayer from 8-14 November, 2020!

World YWCA – YMCA Week of Prayer Booklet – English 

Week of Prayer Visuals:

Visuals – click here to download

World Fellowship Service – Friday 13 November 2020 – 16:00 CET

The service will include sharing from both Movements on projects linked to the Week of Prayer themes, global prayers in multiple languages, in-house music, and reflections, and a message from Steve Clay, CEO YMCA Black Country Group, England.

We invite you to spend one hour with us and with the global YMCA and YWCA family during the Week of Prayer.  #YMCAStandsTogether

Host: Purity Kiguatha, YMCA African Alliance

Please save the time and date:
World Fellowship Service, 13th November, 16:00 CET, LIVE on Facebook!

Following on from our digital services earlier this year our next service will be during the week of prayer.
You can watch our thanksgiving services here:
Devotion Services Click here

For further information, contact