Ken Colloton visits the YMCA of Scotland and the Scottish Parliament

Date: 16 September 2011

The YMCA in Scotland welcomed Ken Colloton, President of the World Alliance of YMCAs, at a reception hosted by Margaret McCulloch MSP at the Scottish Parliament on the evening of Wednesday 7 September.

Forty delegates including young people, board members and staff from YMCAs around Scotland came together in the Parliament.  Ken shared news about the work of the World Alliance and stories from some of the young people on the journey they have had with the YMCA. Nick Clegg, representing  the Y-Care International delegation on the Millennium Development Goals, was present in the role of a MSYP and responsible for  Global Youth Work roadshows.

Guests also had the opportunity to visit the Debating Chambers and chat to MSP’s Margaret McCulloch, Anne McTaggart and Mary Fee. Go to Facebook, to see more.