Change Agent blog: Embarking on a journey of self-transformation

Topic: Change Agent

Date: 29 January 2024

Change agent blog
By Rinku Mankhin 
YMCA Bangladesh
Change and transformation are special gifts to me. And I feel a responsibility to share the fruits of my transformation with others, especially those most in need. 
We face many uncertainties. Yet, we are assured that the past enables us to face the future with great hope, believing there is someone (God) who continues to inspire and guide us in all we think and do. 
In the intricate tapestry of my life, a pivotal chapter with the Interfaith Cooperation Forum (ICF) shines as a moment of profound self-discovery and transformation. Those gifts help my life unfold and realise its purpose and meaning. 
Change agent

School of peace: Nurturing the seeds of change

Fast forward to 2019: The YMCA of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, Thailand, served as the canvas for my two-month ICF “School of Peace” programme. This global platform, a project of the Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs (APAY), instilled in me the essence of diverse cultural harmony and the power of unity in fostering justice and peace.  

This immersive experience, which involved delving deep into topics like conflict analysis, human rights, religious teaching for peace, cultural peace, nonviolent communication, peace education, and more, laid the foundation for my growth and self-transformation.

Change agent blog

Empowering voices through compassionate communication

In 2022, an important milestone in my evolution unfolded during the ICF’s “Training of Trainers on Nonviolent Communication” in Dumaguete City, Philippines. This comprehensive programme, both online and in-person, equipped me with the skills to navigate complexities with empathy and understanding. This professional development enhanced my communication skills and empowered me to be a beacon of change. 

Change agent blog

Toward an empowered Asian interfaith youth network

October’s ICF Peace Conference 2023 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, resonated as a beacon of hope for young minds dreaming of a peaceful world. As part of a gathering of young minds from South Asian countries, we shared knowledge and experiences to contribute meaningfully to justice and peace, transcending faiths, languages, and cultural practices.

Change agent blog

From participants to Change Agent: Nurturing peace in Bangladesh 

As I eagerly anticipate the next chapter, I recognise that self-transformation is not merely a personal endeavour but a gift to the world. Each experience has carved a path toward understanding, empathy, and tireless pursuit of peace. God prepared fertile soil in my life to be an instrument to give light and hope to others, especially the young generation.

In the same way, the YMCA, with its nurturing environment, offers a unique space to cultivate new skills, gather diverse experiences, and contribute meaningfully to creating a just, exclusive, and peaceful world. 
As I embrace the World YMCA Change Agent Cohort 5.0 programme, I eagerly anticipate further opportunities to contribute to empowering young people and community wellbeing, affirming the belief that our transformations ripple positive change for the world.