YMCA Estonia

Date of foundation of the YMCA: 


YMCA activities first arrived in Estonia in 1919 under the Russian controlled branch. It was not until 1924 with the separation of the Latvian YMCA from the Russian department that the Estonian YMCA was formed. By 1939, there were 20 registered associations with 7,580 members. Like many other organizations in the region, the organization and activities were closed in 1940. However, in 1989, Tallinn YMCA was re-established. In 1992, a joint statement between Tallinn YWCA and Tartu YWCA formed Estonia YMCA-YWCA. In 1991, Estonia YMCA joined the World Alliance of YMCAs. A few years later in 1995, Estonia YMCA- YWCA officially joined the World Alliance of YMCAs. Today, programmes include cultural education, assistance to orphanages, children’s homes, and senior citizens.