Easter in Kenya

Date: 06 April 2012

This year Easter for me is celebrated in Kenya. We have had more than a week full of important meetings about our future as YMCA.

The Stakeholders meeting together with the Executive Committee unanimously decided to advise the world movement to focus on Youth Empowerment.
I shall write a lot more about this focus for the future on our website and in my blog

Easter is also about future. Future for the people here in Kenya. Future for all of us.

When Jesus died on the cross, He died for all of us. On Easter Sunday He rose from death and created a new future for all of us.

On Easter Sunday we celebrate this gift of life, this gift of future.

One of my favorite animals is the giraffe, and it is also the symbol of Kenya, where I am this Easter. Today I saw maybe 40 giraffes,  and it made me think that we should lift our heads up high like they do and look into the future with hope  and optimism!

I wish you all a blessed Easter from Nairobi, Kenya.
