My Early Thoughts on COP 25

Date: 07 December 2019

Hi everyone, I’m Jesús. I am a member of YMCA Spain and I’m going to talk about my experience during the first week in COP25 in Madrid. I’ve been to this event two days this week and I think that it is one of the biggest events I ever seen. The first thing you do when you arrive is identify yourself, go through the security process and when that is done you can start this great experience! I have to say congrats all organizations that made this possible. We have to keep in mind that all of this has been organized in just 20 days.

The first sensation that you feel is nerves. You can see all of the different country’s staff making great presentations and showing you all their projects, and you are not sure what country you want to see first. Fortunately for me, I wasn’t alone in this experience, because two more YMCA Spain friends came with me this first day.

All countries that have come to this event have their own space, where they are showing all the areas that they are trying to focus on like clean air, recycling or reforestation. There are small places for discussions and also displays about climate change.

But this event has another side that is very important. Every day,  varied organizations prepare debates or lectures about empowerment, innovation or leadership and how these values can be applied to climate change solutions.

But the most important part of this conference is not showing us projects or values, it is trying to make everybody understand that climate change is a problem that we have to solve now, because we don’t have a plan B or a Planet B! And after these two days I feel that we can do it, because it is not just something that governments or big companies have to do, everybody can help to save our planet, just by changing 2-3 things in our lives.

I can’t wait for see all the new ideas and opportunities that are going to be shown in the second week.
