One month to go! YMCA WORLD CHALLENGE – 6 May 2015

Date: 06 May 2015

Dear Friends,

This time next month I’ll be joining you in kicking goals for youth empowerment! This is a wonderful opportunity we have when the entire world gets active in speaking about our collective mission of empowering young people.  Already over 40 countries and many more locations are participating!
Here are 3 new important resources for you;

Everything you need to know about the event, what to do on the day and where all the resources are.

You’ll be amazed at my football skills!

All the graphics and resources you need so you can continue to promote your event, create publicity and share the word.
Don’t delay with your planning. It’s not too late to organize an event to participate in this year’s World Challenge.

Guinness World Record attempt update                                                     
Good news. We already have eight locations participating in the Record attempt for “most number of football penalty kicks in multiple locations”.  At noon GMT on 6th June, goal kicking will be taking place simultaneously in Philippines, Switzerland, England (2 sites), Cameroun, Denmark, Trinidad & Tobago, Scotland, Korea, Greece and Ireland.  I hope there will be a few more countries to add to this at well.
I’m off now to keep practicing!
Happy planning!
Warm regards
Johan Vilhelm Eltvik
Secretary General

For further information or questions:
twitter:       #ymcawc2015