YMCA/YWCA World Week of Prayer – World Fellowship Service

Date: 04 November 2020

World YMCA invites you to join a World Fellowship Service on Friday 13 November 2020, during the YMCA/YWCA World Week of Prayer.

This event has been created by an international team of YMCA & YWCA staff and volunteers, whose aim is to bring together those who wish to engage in prayer worship globally during these difficult times.

The event will be streamed live on our World YMCA Facebook page.  It will also be recorded, and made available through the World YMCA  website and YouTube sites.

World Fellowship Service – Friday 13 November 2020 – 16:00 CET

The service will include sharing from both Movements on projects linked to the Week of Prayer themes, global prayers in multiple languages, in-house music, and reflections, and a message from Steve Clay, CEO YMCA Black Country Group, England.

We invite you to spend one hour with us and with the global YMCA and YWCA family during the Week of Prayer.  #YMCAStandsTogether

Host: Purity Kiguatha, YMCA African Alliance

To download the Week of Prayer booklet in three languages (English, French, Spanish) click here: https://www.ymca.int/week-of-prayer/