Change Agent Covid Response team

COVID Response

As the COVID-19 pandemic spread around the world, a group of Change Agents came together to form the response team to check on other young leaders from the network. The group tried to offer digital spaces for those needing support or connections during the lockdown.

The Change Agents organised zoom hangouts twice a week during lockdown with World YMCA staff also holding Spanish speaking hangouts. These proved quite popular with Change Agents from all cohorts attending.

Easter Celebration video

Change Agents were involved in the Easter celebrations by contributing to the Egg-toss video which was done in partnership with St.Pauls Group from London, England. We also held an Easter quiz on Kahoot for all cohorts which Dominik from Switzerland won.
Egg toss video

Activities for Young People

Change Agents were also involved in setting challenges, encouraging young people to be involved in other activities, and collecting resources for other young people to use during the lockdown.

Change Agents Cookbook

Change Agents from all cohorts came together to produce the Change Agent Lockdown cookbook.
Thank you to Loris from cohort 4 who designed and edited this.

Download your copy of the cookbook