YMCA Africa - the Area Alliance

The Africa Alliance of YMCAs was founded in December 1977. Physically located in Nairobi, Kenya, it serves as a regional coordinating body for Young Men's Christian Associations (YMCAs) across the African continent.
Its mission is to empower young people in Africa to develop their full potential and contribute positively to society. It focuses on leadership development, skills training, education, and community engagement.
It addresses challenges such as education, health, gender equality, and peacebuilding. It collaborates with international organizations, governments, and communities to amplify impact. Guided by Christian values, it advocates for youth-friendly policies and embraces cultural diversity. It continues to empower African youth, fostering positive change, and contributing to innovative and sustainable development in the region.

YMCA Africa website

Regional HQ (Area Alliance)

Nairobi, Kenya

National Movements:


YMCA Presence in Africa